4mm BSC Orgreave Coking Plant


Well, I figured I ought to make a first post here. I've been fairly active posting various micro-layout threads over on RMWeb for the past few years but the image issue has sort of made me jump ship.

Back in September my partner and I moved to a new house on the Waverley estate on the Rotherham/Sheffield border, slap bang in the middle of what was Orgreave Coking Plant (in fact I've sort of managed to narrow down a fairly exact location to find our house is pretty much right in front of one of the coke oven banks) so naturally a layout had to be built!

I have a real thing for micro-layouts so this is being built on one of the Scale Model Scenery baseboard in a box sets which gives me ample room for what I need. Although heavily based on Orgreave, it's not an exact replica, rather I've taken a few aspects of the real site from photos and arranged them around a simple track plan.



The track plan should give me at least some operating interest, certainly compared to just a simple inglenook like I've built previously - my aim is to get this ready for the Sheffield Model Railway Enthusiasts exhibition on 1-2 April 2023 so I wanted something that'll be at least sort of fun to operate. I've also designed in a working end-tippler. The rake of Dapol 16 tonners loosely represent the internal fleet present in the 1980s, and are modified with a 3D printed opening end door.






I wanted to make a point of using purely Peco Bullhead track as I've been itching to use some for yonks - and it really is lightyears ahead of standard Code 75. The layout is wired up purely for DCC operation and servo controlled pointwork/tippler. The tippler itself is 3D printed in both FDM and resin, as is the weighbridge plate.

Stock will be a little more varied, although I will be using a Sentinel and Janus as per the real place, I plan to also run a few other locos I can just about get away with such as the AB and probably an 03/08. Nearby Orgreave Colliery also had a Kerr Stuart Victory so I've added the new Pi one to my list, they also had an ex-BR green 04 and a Hunslet Austerity which will most likely appear at some point too. It's entirely possible/likely that these may have made their way over to the Coking plant as both sites were directly rail linked.


The main motive power will be the Janus. I picked this up pre-owned from Hattons with factory sound for £106 which I think is rather a bargain. I've stripped out the PCB and hardwired in the included Loksound Micro and a Laisdcc stayalive which gives very nice running characteristics. This has in turn freed up quite a bit of space inside so my plan is to move the existing sugarcube speaker to the opposite end and add in a second slightly larger speaker in its original location. The model has been fully repsrayed, with the cabside lettering courtesy of my new Silhouette Cameo cutter. I really didn't expect it to be able to deal with cutting masks that small but after a bit of trial and error it did it no problem. Bit of a game changer really!


I've also completed the first building - based on what I believe is the shunters' mess - again completely 3D printed on my Anycubic Photon M3 from a design drawn up in Tinkercad. I'm particularly happy with the windows - simply painted white with black adhesive vinyl 'glass' cut on the Cameo.




Got the groundwork, buildings, and some grass down over the last few days, in fact I'm not that far off calling it done. The ground is just coloured grout sloshed around, which looks OK but did turn out a bit messier than I'd have liked really.

Next jobs are to get a bit more clutter around the place - weeds, oil drums, a skip etc, and I also have a Kibri excavator kit on the way which I'm hoping will fit somewhere. I will also be adding a fascia board and 'roof' with lighting at some point.






NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Good to see you here, Alex.

There are a few of us small layout types hereabouts.

I must say your latest looks lovely. Looking forward to more updates/layouts in the future.


Chris Veitch

Western Thunderer
Very nice indeed, especially the 3D printed weighbridge and tippler components - yes, it would be interesting to see more of these. The preponderance of excellent OO RTR nowadays, especially for industrial subjects, tempts me sorely away from my current projects...

I'm also fond of leering at views of other modeller's workbenches in the background of photos as they're sometimes as interesting as the main subject (to me, at least). Does your vast array of what I assume are mostly acrylics indicate a military modelling background as well, or are you just more diligent that some of us in getting your colour matching right?


Very nice work, quite inspiring. I'm particularly drawn to your working wagon tippler and hoping you'll share some details on the mechanism below the baseboard.

Thanks for sharing and do keep us informed of its progress. :thumbs:

Thank you! The Tippler mechanism is as simple as it gets really, just a servo under the baseboard connected with a rod to an arm on the underside of the tippler base:


Very nice indeed, especially the 3D printed weighbridge and tippler components - yes, it would be interesting to see more of these. The preponderance of excellent OO RTR nowadays, especially for industrial subjects, tempts me sorely away from my current projects...

I'm also fond of leering at views of other modeller's workbenches in the background of photos as they're sometimes as interesting as the main subject (to me, at least). Does your vast array of what I assume are mostly acrylics indicate a military modelling background as well, or are you just more diligent that some of us in getting your colour matching right?

I addition to the main subject I also find the background details interesting, work bench or bookshelves!

Thanks chaps! I am indeed a military modeller primarily - aircraft, armour, boats, vehicles, I'm not too fussy :) I also do some magazine and commission work in that field too. I did start out as a railway modeller though, it was something my dad got me into when I was around 3-4 years old, then I moved onto plastic models, before making a more serious move back into railway modelling about 5 years ago. I now split my time fairly equally between both.

Some of my latest plastic model work:









Chris Veitch

Western Thunderer
Thank Alex, very impressive stuff. I particularly like the ditched Whippet - I'm taking some plastic modelling baby steps at the moment with a Masterbox MkII Male and it's quite a revelation to find out how different the discipline is from railway modelling.
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Joe's Garage

Western Thunderer
The military models are very impressive Alex as is the layout, very subtle. Have you managed to get a recording of "Annie's song" for the sound chip seeing as you are on this side of Sheffield!
Please keep posting, the Janus looks very realistic.


Thanks for the kind comments all! Hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year.

I managed to get some decent bench time in over the holidays and I'm about 95% there with the layout. I had a fascia board cut from MDF which I then added some text to using masks cut with the Silhouette cutter. I've also added a 'roof' with some LED light strip and retrofitted a Gaugemaster backscene which completely changes the feel of the whole thing.

Weeds have been added using some off the shelf scenics from Tajima 1 Miniatures which I cannot reccommend enough, they are superb, and I've also started adding a little bit of clutter in the form of skips and oil drums.

The Kibri excavator is already my No.1 contender for kit of the year, just an absolute joy to assemble - Tamiya level fit, excellent detail, and everything moves that should move - the grab bucket, rail wheels, even the hydraulic jacks are fully posable. Just awaiting some paint on the grab and I can call it done.





There's really very little left to add, I still need to paint up the top section of the tippler tower, and I have a selection of Modelu figures to paint and add, but that's about it!