

New Member

Just like to introduce myself, I will soon be an "empty nester", subject to A level results and hope to have more spare time to indulge my rather weird fascination with rather run down freight operations around the time of the transition from steam to diesel.

Concentrating on refeshing my skills on wagons and buildings at the moment and look forward to gaining inspiration and help from the excellent modellers on here

All the very best


Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Welcome Paul!

As you probably realise we like lots of photos to illustrate your progress. Don't forget to keep some kind of camera close to hand. :thumbs:


New Member
Hi Heather

thanks for your comments, photography has been my chosen time wasting activity over the last few years, so no problem keeping a camera (cameras!!!) to hand. Will try and post a pic or two of the experiments over the next few days - really welcome any comments to help me improve - I have a long way to go...


Western Thunderer
.....and what's so rare about your fascination with 1965??? I was there. I was that man!

Welcome, and enjoy your time here.



New Member
Hi All

not sure if its the done thing to post pics in a welcome thread, but a couple of pics of the work so far, welcome any comments, (even if its to tell me where to stick them so to speak)

DSC_9805-1.jpg DSC_9806-1.jpg

There is a Slater's 7 plank PO wagon, a PD Trestle wagon and a low relief warehouse on the workbench. I know the window on the hut looks a bit heavy, I have since acquired a Silhouette Portrait and the windows for the warehouse will be a lot finer.

Don't hold your breath for more pics, progress is likely to be slow due to work commitments and trying to stay fit to avoid the middle age spread.




Western Thunderer
Welcome, and as Phil seez, great era to model :thumbs:

Photos are the currency around here so don't feel ashamed posting any and in any thread you deem fit, good or bad, and welcome to the mad house ;)

All the best

Mick D


New Member

thanks for your kind comments, not sure a layout is on the immediate horizon, but will try and put up a workbench thread when there is visible progress - so sometime around December at current pace! Nothing ground breaking mind you, but would welcome your help to make my models more realistic.

kind regards
