Bury St Edmunds O gauge Show

Martin Field

Western Thunderer
Well, a pleasant morning spent at the show. Karlgarin had no rail, but might be able to get me some by Christmas. He, apparently, is giving it all up due to not being able to trust suppliers. But he was offering excellent discounts on mainly Slaters stuff, which in their particular case has always been a good idea. I got some gears, axles and W irons there.
Inspected Intentio's stuff very carefully and I must say, it IS very good. The objection I have to the corners can be got round with a little care on final assembly before paint with a little knifing putty, then you're off and running. Peter Insole was a very nice chap to talk to and uses all Humbrol enamels! Fancy that. Someone has to I suppose<G>. And with great effect. Kirk were there too, but I wasn't in the market for even his decently priced kts. D&S had a good display of wonderfully Great Eastern stuff and I had a good old "regret the passing of pen a/w" chat, although he reckons there's still a company in Brownhills who will accept pen rather than pootah a/w,but he couldn't remember their name! Doh!
Layouts were frankly loco obsessive and all with noises. Ugh! Cobbolds Wharf will be nice when it starts to grow a third dimension. Currently it is all PCB sleepered track to S7 standards, so obviously intended to be a brewery with setts. I couldn't get an answer when I spoke to them so left it alone.

Met several names from here and the facebook pages and S7 members who made themselves known and were so very friendly. Nice to meet you all, chaps.
An early cuppa char for 70p was welcome, but I don't do queues any more so left without the 1 o'clock feed and drove straight home. A very pleasant half a day and drive in the sunshine, through flint dash heaven, where, if I weren't so comfortably ensconced in the wee Pug I'd have been jumping around taking pictures.

Verdict, S7 looks SO nice, even on just PCB sleepers every 3 inches and Intensio buildings, IF you can afford them, are bloody gorgeous. Also all those gentlemen of a certain age are really friendly and chatty. With the exception of Ian Allen (yes, really) who was as friendly but actually has more life ahead of him than behind, for once!


Western Thunderer
Martin, very kind of you, but I can only hope for another 54 years !

It was a very enjoyable meeting with both GOG and S7 Group members in attendance. Just the right size for a local scale specific meeting.



Western Thunderer
Yes. I was hoping, but failed, to bump into you this morning - probably due to me having my head stuffed into a box of freebie magazines.


Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
"IMPETUS, IMPETUS, where art thou?" :(

Funny you should say that Tony, I just remarked to Chris this morning (having received a couple of the new GER Grain vans from Connoisseur for my birthday which although marketed by Jim, they have been designed by 2Doors Down - the same Gent that owns Kalgarin I believe) that it seems odd that he's designing new kits when people are crying out for the Impetus range.

He's also behind the new F3 kit that Jim is to release soon too.

Martin Field

Western Thunderer
Tony, I was in that box too and brought home the GER and M&GN ones, but every damned page had been torn out that had anything about those railways. I binned them in disgust. I could have left them for others to take whose interests are different. Serves me right for being a cheapskate I guess!


Western Thunderer
Yes Martin, the gentleman did warn me some articles had been removed - fortunately his interests did not extend to in industrial railways so I was able to retrieve some good articles :thumbs:

A most enjoyable day out - so many thanks to the organisers.

Tony (not really a cheapskate although I have been known to exhibit some tendencies)


Western Thunderer
I had intended to go after dropping the wife and kids off having been to Felixstowe... however we didn't set off til late morning and of course everyone else had the same idea to head for the seaside.. so by the time we got back it was pointless to head to BSE for only half an hour...


Western Thunderer
Funny you should say that Tony, I just remarked to Chris this morning (having received a couple of the new GER Grain vans from Connoisseur for my birthday which although marketed by Jim, they have been designed by 2Doors Down - the same Gent that owns Kalgarin I believe) that it seems odd that he's designing new kits when people are crying out for the Impetus range.

He's also behind the new F3 kit that Jim is to release soon too.
2DoorsDown is Robin Arkinstall. He sold the Impetus range to Karlgarin years ago with a not very productive result, and his US kits have been sold in the UK by Karlgarin. I don't remember the name of Karlgarin's owner but have it on an old email.

If Karlgarin are out of rail it would probably be quicker to order it from Jay Criswell at Right-o-way in the US. Jay is a WT member.


Western Thunderer
Can't remember Kalgatins name off the top of my head but know his nickname is 'skippy'.

Last time i spoke to him he said that all the artwork needed a bit of tlc before he was prepared to put the kits back on sale.


Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
2DoorsDown is Robin Arkinstall. He sold the Impetus range to Karlgarin years ago with a not very productive result, and his US kits have been sold in the UK by Karlgarin. I don't remember the name of Karlgarin's owner but have it on an old email.


Thanks Fraser,

I aught to remember his name since we share the same first name. I had obviously misunderstood the relationship to Karlgarin and it makes sense why he’s not doing anything with the Imptus range Doh!

Martin Field

Western Thunderer
I met up with Steve (Sopwith on here) and he has kindly offered me some spare rail he has. I also was recommended to contact Peter Hunt and when I did we spent over an hour having a wonderful chinwag, during which he sent me his "Bargain List" which has some real bargains on it. Everything from rail odd ends to controllers and complete engine kits. I'd forgotten quite what a splendid gent he is (I knew him years ago).
So now, I have rail coming from 2 sources, but it's been a very pleasant job sourcing from both. Thankyou gents.