Love Lane, B.R. (E) c.1956-59


Western Thunderer
Not too much to do today..

Paint chassis

Push pull couplings
Glaze pp
Stick seats in

Twin lining
Twin numbers
Twin steps
Paint bogie wheels

Thompson glazing
Thompson hand rails and handles
Thompson numbers

K2 coupling
K2 chip
K2 coal
F5 coal
F5 chassis
N7 chassis
N7 coal



Western Thunderer
Thanks for the photos Mick, crazy how far it's come since then!

Good day today, the layout performed better than we could have hoped. Sadly an uneven floor hasn't helped us in one or two areas, but will try and do something about that tomorrow.

The Love Lane team should be very proud! We were two people deep at one point.

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Flying Squad
I agree that Love Lane looks really great at the NEC, I am going back for another look tomorrow, I missed seeing the vegatable garden and Andersen shelter.

The trains are very nice too.

Possibly being driven a bit too slowly?

Either way, well done to all involved, is the art director visiting tomorrow?



Western Thunderer
Thanks Simon, I think we were just erring on the side of caution. First big S7 layout on the circuit for a few years and because we haven't done as much testing as we would have liked we didn't want stock falling off, eventhough the testing that we have done has been at double desired speed.

The uneven flooring hasn't been favourable to us either.

Pete was with us today, and will be with us again tomorrow.

Sadly John Watson who was the architect of the gardens isn't well enough to join us, though we wish he was.


John K

Western Thunderer
I enjoyed looking at Love Lane today and yesterday.
It is one of those layouts that evokes a location and a period even when there are no trains in view.
The fact that it is S7 is interesting, but not as important as the high standard of the rest of the modelling.
I’m really impressed.
John K
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Western Thunderer
I have to agree with the comments on Love Lane at Warley. I enjoyed the layout as a whole and even spent a second visit before leaving...

Well done all.


Western Thunderer
I have to agree with the comments on Love Lane at Warley. I enjoyed the layout as a whole and even spent a second visit before leaving...

Well done all.

Hi Caggers, you should have made yourself known to us and come inside for a chat, not that there was too much time for hanging around. I was keen to get as many trains running through the scenic section as possible to keep the punters happy. Any thoughts or constructive comments would be gladly received, we only want to get better and increase the entertainment value.



Western Thunderer
Well the weekend has been and gone, and as per Saturday the whole weekend couldn't have gone much better. We had a real struggle with one turnout on the Sunday morning and things got worse before they improved, and at 9.15 we were still working to resolve things. By 9.20 we had a happy medium but the blade area of the point will get some real repair work before the next show!

At around 3pm on the Sunday we got a slightly unexpected gift from Steve Flint, Editor of Railway Modeller magazine. To say we were shocked is genuinely an understatement, however we are now a very proud award winning group!


A few more pics from the Sunday.

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