7mm Ranelagh Bridge west London Stabling point 1959/1964

Dan Randall

Western Thunderer
Hi Dan,

The puddle is down to Steve, but he's gone to New York for some Christmas shopping, so hopefully he will be able to flatten it down a bit when he returns.

I am sure I read somewhere that another way of replicating puddles is to set a piece of glass painted black on the underside onto the baseboard and just bring the earth/ballast up to the same level to blend it all in nicely.



Hi Martyn

Christmas shopping in New York eh? Let's hope he doesn't have to take anything back! :))

As for "glass" puddles, you may well have seen it in Gordon Gravett's book "Modelling Grassland and Landscape Detailing", which has to be one of the most inspiring modelling books I've ever read. :thumbs:

Nice work on the trackwork and excellent practice for your own layout. :thumbs:




Western Thunderer
Hi Dan,

You are right regarding the practice, the last time I built some point work in 7mm was back in the 90's, gosh where does the time go.

Oh well on the home straight now, have just filed up the last pair of switch blades for the tandem and then it's time to fit the tie bars.

Then hopefully get back to my first scenic board, that's if I can duck some of the festivities ( Bah Humbug ) :D.




Western Thunderer
You don't buy the switchblades ready-planed?

No I just filed them down using one of the S7 jigs, but after filing the 8 switchblades required just for the doubleslip I kept getting this vision of a mini angle grinder in my head, I wonder why :rolleyes: :D.




Western Thunderer
Neither would I at about £12 a pair!



Exactly Dan, and it does not take that long too file them down using the correct files.

I have not actually worked out the total cost of making a turnout with " homemade" switches and crossings, but it must be quite a bit cheaper than peco R-T-R.


Compton castle

Western Thunderer
Back from my jaunt to the big apple, puddle needs a few more coats yet, they always dry and leave a bowl effect so I just build it up with more gloss.
Just like on Canton.
Don't forget these are very close up pictures so they do exaggerate it some what


Flying Squad
But how much are the S7 Jigs?
Are they available to mere mortals?
And how much are the "Correct files"?
Don't know how much - only available to Scale7 members but as with Neil's thread on tool envy they are not essential.

I have built all my pointwork without the "official jigs", just mark out the relevant dimensions on a few bits of wood. A tenner on a few 8" flat files will do. The 2mmAssociation book on track has lots of tips on making jigs from bits of wood and a few pins, just as applicable to 7mm as 2mm.


Flying Squad
All of Heyside's pointwork was built using plastic card jigs made to different angles. No problems soldering close by if you're quickly in and out.

My rail file came from B&Q, but I did make sure it was dead straight and of decent quality.

Nothing else was necessary except resolve and patience.



Western Thunderer
The only part from S7 you may need is the track gauge and flange clearance tool or some such; crossings, Vs and switch blades should be no different to any other scale.


Western Thunderer
Don't know how much - only available to Scale7 members but as with Neil's thread on tool envy they are not essential.

I have built all my pointwork without the "official jigs", just mark out the relevant dimensions on a few bits of wood. A tenner on a few 8" flat files will do. The 2mmAssociation book on track has lots of tips on making jigs from bits of wood and a few pins, just as applicable to 7mm as 2mm.

Hi Adrian, you do not have to be a Scale7 member to purchase the jigs, and yes you can made your own jigs using wood and plastic card. But I think you would have to be a dab hand with a file to create the correct profile of the vee see below,




Western Thunderer
The Scale7 Store List is indeed in the Members Only area. However, if you are at an exhibition which Paul Stokes is attending with the Scale7 stores, I believe that you can buy items from him. He is normally at the May ALSRM show as well as Telford.

Of course, you could always join........


Western Thunderer
How do you buy them, then? I looked on the site, but couldn't find anything for sale. Perhaps it's hidden to non-members?

The jigs are available to non members, just type in (scale seven stores ) and open the pdf doc and write down the ref numbers of the jigs you require and phone Paul Stokes who's number is also on the doc, simples.

If I remember rightly I had to pay 15% on top for not being a member, I brought a couple of jigs for making the vee's and also the indispensable ( in my opinion ) jig for filing down the switch blades.

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Compton castle

Western Thunderer
Merry Christmas to all, 2015 will see the first buildings arrive along with more track work.
I shall be at the Bristol O gauge show in January collecting my Christmas / Birthday present from my wife, A scorpio 97XX condensing pannier tank kit.