
  1. Ressaldar

    GWR stock SVR 2009

    Hi all, just came across these photos that I took on a visit to the SVR last year which might be of use to some of you GWR folk [attachment=7:34r9tok7]DSCF3309.JPG[/attachment:34r9tok7] [attachment=6:34r9tok7]DSCF3310.JPG[/attachment:34r9tok7]...
  2. Phill Dyson

    Prototype BR Mk2 Coaches

    MK2a Side A
  3. rosspeacock

    BR Mk1 Limabuild coaches

    Here some pictures of my BR Mk1 coaches.. They started life as ordinary Lima Mk1s but I gone a bit mad on them. Rather than cutting them in two I cut the sides off and build the whole thing back together with Plastruct... The roofs, windows, bogies and some other detailing parts are from...