16T mineral wagons 'COAL' branding

David Hall

Western Thunderer
Hi all.

I appreciate this may be a very naive and simplistic question, and I apologise if it is, but roughly when were the COAL labels applied to 16T mineral wagons? Like this...


From perusing Paul Bartlett's wonderful resource, it seems that this type of livery may have been introduced in the mid 1970s? An example would be of this: BR 16t Mineral welded diag 1/108 & 117 unfitted MCO ZHO ZYO | B90488 COAL 16 or like this: BR 16t Mineral welded diag 1/108 & 117 unfitted MCO ZHO ZYO | B99356 COAL 16

As opposed to the original livery: BR 16t Mineral welded diag 1/108 & 117 unfitted MCO ZHO ZYO | B100925

As always all copyright belongs to Paul.

I'm sure this is opening a can of worms and that the answer is not straightforward, but just a rough estimate would be more than enough.

Many thanks for any help you can provide,
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Western Thunderer
Mid-60s on repaint or re-lettering seems to have been the point, post the boxed lettering, which came in c.1963. Far from universally applied and (obviously), superseded by TOPS codes later.


David Hall

Western Thunderer
Mid-60s on repaint or re-lettering seems to have been the point, post the boxed lettering, which came in c.1963. Far from universally applied and (obviously), superseded by TOPS codes later.


That's really helpful Adam. Thank you. So, 1963 it is then. I very much appreciate it.

There’s an interesting response from the Fat Controller on the 16T Mineral thread on RMWeb



Thank you Jan. Most interesting.