A Barclay pug in 7mm scale

Scottish Wagon Works Pickering end-door wagon
  • George M

    Active Member
    As a bit of light relief I put together one of the new 7mm scale Scottish Wagon Works R Y Pickering end-door wagons:


    These are high quality 3D prints, the level of detail is amazing and makes the whole painting and weathering process a real pleasure.


    Hard to believe those end-door clips are plastic!



    When I bought this kit, my one thought was that they need to carry a stock of those extras you need to, or might want to buy for this kit. In this day of predominantly internet shopping, a one-stop-shop is definitely preferred, especially for us internationals! I don't mind (too much) paying the import duties, I do after all work for the (Swedish) government, taxes pay my salary and fund my work. I do however object to paying an exorbitant fee on each parcel to a failing privatised public service for the privilage of taking my money. So limiting the number of parcels is welcome.

    When I checked back to their website today I was very pleased to see they now carry a stock of wheels, couplings and steel buffer-heads! I'll definitely be back for more from these people.

    best regards from Sweden, George!