Barclay Class 06

Inset track
  • Bill Campbell

    Western Thunderer
    Great loco :thumbs: Also really like the inset track and paving. Any chance of a tutorial in how it’s done?

    The photo below shows the baseboard just after the track was laid. Track construction is ply timbering, Exactoscale chairs and C&L bullhead rail. The area for the inset track has a raised base - to the same height as the bottom of the rail. The rail is spiked to maintain alignment - you may be able to see the spikes in the photo. The area to be paved is then further built up to just below rail top level. The paving is meant to be granite setts and is represented by - wait for it! - Slaters embossed brick sheet. Several different paint colours were tried before that in the photo - the paint finish has then been allowed to get a bit worn - sort of natural weathering.

    Inset trackbase.jpg

    The grey area and different track at the top of the photo is on the sector plate fiddle yard that is hidden by the factory buildings (Skytrex).
