Fred Phipps Class 22 Build

Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
Good oh; that solves that problem then.

Just one other quick thought - does the loco have compensated or sprung bogies? I suspect they're rigid as I think Cynric was looking at producing a set of compensated ones for his loco.



Western Thunderer
I have had a quick look in the instructions, as supplied the drive axle is rigid, the other axle has axle boxes sprung by wire, certainly Simon Dunkley changed this on his to all axle boxes sprung (slaters axleboxes), or if you prefer i reckon it could easily made all rigid, cheers Rob


Western Thunderer
They say a picture is worth a thousand words Steph, my man had separated a lot of the etches so here is a picture of the basic bogie frame

i hope this is of help, cheers Rob


Western Thunderer
Bearing in mind i have used a steel ruler, front to back is 110mm, to the centre of the axle hole 17.5mm, cheers Rob

john lewsey

Western Thunderer
There's something about the 22 it makes an attractive model although I'm modelling LNWR I do have a couple of diesels and when the almost like the real thing one comes out ill get one.


Western Thunderer
Ok, another update, and this time your narrator and blacksmith made a right good cock up!!. I had reached the stage where the body stiffener/chassis mount needed to be made, this basically is formed from three cross members and two side strips and is quite precise in its fitting, Fred gives the measurements in thou's. Basically the cross members need to be 2864 thou across and after my first attempt i had the side strips on and i was in a thou either side of the given measurement and it fitted in the body a treat. Then i came to try the chassis for fit and found it would no go all the way in, i looked and it dawned on me, i had soldered the side strips on upside down :headbang::headbang:. Oh bugger is the censured version as it all had to be unsoldered for another attempt, and yes i do know i really should read the instructions first.
A couple of wasted ours later saw me end up with this,

This time with the side pieces the right way up !! incidentally the loose bits on the end help with lining up inside the body and get snapped off after the assembly has been glued in place.

Here is a picture of it on the chassis, and a trial fit in the body,

photo-8.jpg photo-6.jpg

There are three screw holes with captive nuts to hold the chassis on but as it's a snug fit i hope not to use them, i have to find that extra strength Araldite now, hopefully my next bit of progress will see me reading the instructions and no more cock ups :(

cheers Rob,


Western Thunderer
Having found the araldite i was able to glue the chassis base into place and let it dry over the weekend. Here is a picture of the chassis in place with the retaining screws in but i reckon it is a snug enough fit that i need not retain the screws in use

The next stage is to make up and fit the foot steps, having glanced at the instructions i may be gone sometime,
cheers Rob


Flying Squad
Then i came to try the chassis for fit and found it would no go all the way in, i looked and it dawned on me, i had soldered the side strips on upside down

That's exactly the sort of mistake I'm really good at making:))

This is looking really good Rob, I must get mine out of its box...



Flying Squad
OK, I've "snapped" the front steps on D6319.

From the front:


From the side:


From underneath:


The steps are fitted in to the "corners" of the "chassis box" and appear to be fixed below and clear of the rear of the buffers where the rams will travel backwards when the buffers are compressed.

I hope this is helpful Rob - keep up the good work!!



Western Thunderer
Wow, thats more than useful Simon, a big gold star to thee :D just waiting for a strip of 1.5mm brass strip to arrive from Metalsmiths and i should be able to get on with it. 'Step ' soldering is the way forward, cheers, Rob


Flying Squad
Wow, thats more than useful Simon, a big gold star to thee :D just waiting for a strip of 1.5mm brass strip to arrive from Metalsmiths and i should be able to get on with it. 'Step ' soldering is the way forward, cheers, Rob

Hi Rob

It's a pleasure, I'm happy to provide details of anything else on my loco if it's helpful:)



Western Thunderer
It's a pleasure, I'm happy to provide details of anything else on my loco if it's helpful:)

You might regret this kind offer Simon :D, cheers Rob