
Western Thunderer
A very frustrating day battling Templot. Very useful and powerful tool but my brain is wired to work differently to it and therefore I find it hard work, particularly as I only rarely need to use it.

I started by using AnyRail and the C&L templates to give me a quick and dirty plan to work to. The downside is that you can't bend the point templates to sit on a curve.

ScreenHunter_391 Nov. 06 10.42.jpg

This was then imported into Templot to use as a guide. Much swearing later I got this:

ScreenHunter_392 Nov. 06 16.24.jpg

Which looks like this if you remove the background image:

ScreenHunter_393 Nov. 06 16.27.jpg

The diamond should be a double slip but that's beyond me and attempts so far have ended up with the laptop being in danger of damage....
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Western Thunderer
Mine's nearly ended up in orbit to add to the space junk already up there....:confused:.

It's funny because I have to use all manner of software at work and everything clicks eventually but not Templot. I appreciate the work behind it and, for those that master it, how powerful a tool it can be but I just end up frustrated with it. There must be some key fundamentals I just don't get and I can never find the function i want to use - particularly as half the time I don't know what function will give me the outcome I'm after.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Hi Chris,

Probably a bit late now, but you can get low odour white spirit (B&Q stock it) these days. Both Chris and I suffer from paint fumes so it's a big help in our house.

Peter Cross

Western Thunderer
I like your track plan. What are the boards now 1000x1000? The slips are a pain to do you need to convert a switch then add it to the diamond. I always use diamonds until happy with the plan then you don't need to move loads of parts if in the wrong place.
How long is the extension in front of the run round at the store end. From pictures it seems very short. I have or will make mine just long enough to take my 0395 about 320 from the point blades to the stop.


Western Thunderer
I like your track plan. What are the boards now 1000x1000? The slips are a pain to do you need to convert a switch then add it to the diamond. I always use diamonds until happy with the plan then you don't need to move loads of parts if in the wrong place.
How long is the extension in front of the run round at the store end. From pictures it seems very short. I have or will make mine just long enough to take my 0395 about 320 from the point blades to the stop.

Morning Pete

The headshunt on the platform road is just shy of 500mm. Spookily this is just long enough to release a Bulleid.

The real Bodmin headshunt looked quite short, only just long enough for an Ivatt tank. The real Bodmin did benefit from much longer loops and a second set of crossovers mid way along. I don't have room for that do have increased the headshunt length marginally.

The four equal scenic boards combine to give a scenic area of 4000x970mm.

Started track laying last night!
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Peter Cross

Western Thunderer
Did you use 1000 boards for ease of moving or just a nice size for the space. I have a feeling mine will be odd length to try and miss the point work.
I understand the length now. I sold a nice 7mm spam a couple of years ago, watersmeet.

Can you get a couple of coaches in the run round?

Nice to hear that there is track going down.


Western Thunderer
Evening Peter,

I initially chose 1m long boards as 7mm B6 points were about 500mm long. Made sense at the time, honest. Also I wanted deeper boards to give a bit more space and the usual 4' boards would be too bulky to handle.

Peter Cross

Western Thunderer
Looks very good. It looks like I will need to redraw my Bodmin, as you have now pointed out the tracks are closer together. Which is better for me. It always looked to cramped by the goods shed. Even now at the site of the station you can feel and see how narrow the site is.


Western Thunderer
Last night was spent chopping C&L sleepers of their sprue. Tonight I made a start sticking them down. Called it a night at this point:




I did adjust the track panel locations in a couple of places from as drawn on Templot. I knew I would do this and found it easier to do in 'real life's than on screen.


You can just make out the different sleeper spacings at the track panel ends...


All are SR 60' and 45' spacings so far.