Scale7 JB Workbench.


Simon Dunkley

If you look at the keyboard, the W and A keys are in very close proximity, so it is entirely possible that someone got the "Great" and "stern Railway" [sic!] bits right, but mistyped the "Ea" bit as "We" as there fingers hit the wrong key in the wrong order.
Of course, the reverse is also possible.


Western Thunderer
Lovely work mate and up to your usual lightening pace, I like the openning doors. My boy loves the video, any chance of an edit with suitable music, it would make his day:)):thumbs:

ATB Mick

Andrew Campbell

Western Thunderer
Jonathan - The tram looks utterly great! If you're coming to the S7 roundy-roundy day in May, please bring it with you. - ATB - Andrew.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Hi Jonathan,

Did you solder the body to the footplate? I ask as the sides on mine are a little flimsy, despite the layers of etches. This is due to the door cut outs, which is why I went for 4 screws to hold it on. I was thinking that having made the front doors open that would perhaps make the body even less sturdy?

It does look lovely and smooth in the video:thumbs: Have you got it finished yet?

Andrew Campbell

Western Thunderer
Dear Jonathan,

Sorry - no. The Brightwell meeting's on Saturday 14th April and the "test track" is going up at the West Country meet at Clyst St Mary on 12th May. Clyst St Mary village Hall is just over half a mile off J30 of the M5.

We're just putting the track up for S7 West Country Group members and anyone else who wants to run S7 stock - from about 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There'll be a small charge to cover the cost of hiring the hall. Tea and coffee available but bring your own lunch. Or the Half Moon Inn does lunch 450 yards away.

Sorry it's so far west, but some of our WCG members come from even further west!

It's going up at the Mark meeting on October 13th and again (I think - not had written confirmation yet) at the Bristol Show next January and it's booked in at Telford in 2013.

By the way, Robert Wigley's kindly sprung those wagon bogies. Thanks so much for looking at it though.

ATB - Andrew.


Western Thunderer
Has it really been that long since my last post that im on page two of Area 51 ?

Had a great weekend up at the Epping Ongar railway, two days in a row up at 5am to go clean engines, but its great to be back on the footplate after such a long hiatus from the Nene Valley.

One question though... Does my bum look big in this...??!



Western Thunderer
Has it really been that long since my last post that im on page two of Area 51 ?

Had a great weekend up at the Epping Ongar railway, two days in a row up at 5am to go clean engines, but its great to be back on the footplate after such a long hiatus from the Nene Valley.

One question though... Does my bum look big in this...??!

Great stuff mate :thumbs: I'll have to try and get up to Ongar as it's not far from me...........and no your bum doesn't look big in it BUT at 6mins. 45 sec's into the video we can here you playing your pan(nier) pipes:)) you know another tune mate:D

ATB, Col.:D


Western Thunderer
I have to admit though, I now understand why very few of the other railways followed suit on copper chimneys and brass domes...

It's bloody scary up there sitting on the boiler doing an impression of Dr Strangelove sitting on an atomic bomb..... Especially when you have left the cleaning with the brasso about 2 hours too late !

Who says that the joins in the boiler cladding should be straight and centred along the middle of the boiler!
photo 3.JPG

Want to know what a Hall's roof looks like?
photo 2.JPG

Pretty as a picture for the Press preview day on Thursday.
photo 1.JPG

One for the Disieselists..
photo 4.JPG

Old and errrr... not so old..
photo 5.JPG


Western Thunderer
Great stuff mate :thumbs: I'll have to try and get up to Ongar as it's not far from me...........and no your bum doesn't look big in it BUT at 6mins. 45 sec's into the video we can here you playing your pan(nier) pipes:)) you know another tune mate:D

ATB, Col.:D

:)):)):thumbs: It has been a while since you posted mate, I was wondering what you were up too? I do miss playing with the big trains, hope you got chance to put a few rounds on mate instead of just cleaning. Love the picture of the Moggy van and the staion building looks fantastic, a great project to be involved with,

ATB Mick